Problems with debit and credit card readers at Meijer
GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (WOOD) – If you shopped at Meijer on Saturday, you may have had problems trying to pay with a debit, credit or electronic benefit transfer card, also known as a bridge card.
A representative from Meijer corporate headquarters said all Meijer branches across the country had problems with card payments on Saturday.
The company representative said just before 8 p.m. Saturday that the company’s IT department was working on the problem and hoped to have it resolved soon. Meijer did not indicate when the problem could be fixed.
The Meijer website said: “We are currently having issues processing payments – thank you for your patience while we work to resolve this quickly.”
A number of News 8 viewers said they were having trouble paying with their credit or debit card at several local stores. Additionally, some reported that multiple charges were showing up on their bank accounts even though their card transactions were being declined.
There have been social media posts mentioning similar issues at other local businesses, however we have not been able to confirm this is a widespread issue.
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